The worldwide increase in the scientific production promoted by institutions and researchers dedicated to the different areas of knowledge has congested the Brazilian and international academic calendar with numerous events; many of them designed to bring together thousands of researchers, professors and students, who seek to present and discuss their work, as well as those of their fellow researchers. Often these events are also thought to address topics within very specific areas of knowledge.
Notwithstanding the importance of initiatives for the development of sciences throughout the world, it can be observed that events of this magnitude and specificity, due to the very dynamics they are required to generate in order to achieve them, sometimes make it difficult to approach and exchange experience among participants. And yet, they exclude or put aside many others, whose objects of study do not lie precisely within the area of knowledge that treats the event.
The International Symposium on Labor, Labor Relations, Education and Identity – SITRE , on the contrary and as it is thought by its idealizers and promoters, seeks to focus its attention on the interface of traditional areas of knowledge and research, taking shelter in theoretical and methodological fields diverse, and has at work, in education, in identity and its relations, its object of study. By virtue of this attention, a smaller number of participants, measured in a few hundred of them, however, gathered in the event, however, quite identified in their works, although they can originate in different disciplines. It is hoped that the reduced number of participants and the more intimate organizational dynamics of the event can facilitate the rapprochement between researchers and institutions, favoring all kinds of academic partnerships. It marks the event, therefore, as a space of meetings, exchanges, but also of celebration between professionals and institutions from different fields of knowledge, Brazilian and foreign, around their achievements and projects.
The SITRE is the place where the Human and Applied Social Sciences, the Exact Sciences, the Education, the Engineering, the Philosophy are found and recovered . Where are researchers, but also teachers dedicated to the study of Education, Labor and Identity.
OI International Symposium Work, Labor Relations, Education and Identity – SITRE took place in 2006 at the Abílio Barreto Museum, Belo Horizonte, and aimed to bring together researchers, teachers, masters and doctoral students dedicated to the subject, aiming at a theoretical deepening and an exchange of experiences between them and their Institutions. The Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais – CEFET-MG, the Federal University of Minas Gerais – UFMG (Faculty of Education and Production Engineering Department), the Arts and Crafts Museum – MAO, the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers – CNAM (Paris / France) and the Regional Engineering Council of Minas Gerais – CREA-MG partners of this first event gathered around ninety participants. It was decided, on occasion, for a period of two years for the SITRE, as well as for the expansion of the number of Public Institutions of Higher Education and of research as partners. The II SITRE happened in 2008, in the same city, in the Auditorium Neidson Rodrigues of FAE-UFMG and had its audience expanded to 120 participants. From this event the Symposium was enriched with the partnership of the State University of Minas Gerais – UEMG (Faculty of Education) which added efforts to the event.
The III SITRE, which took place in 2010, was installed in the auditorium of FAE-UFMG, as well as the number of professors, researchers, masters and doctoral students reaching 250 participants. SITRE counted on this event, with the partnership of the Federal University of Ouro Preto – UFOP. For the first time the event opened space for the Working Groups – WGs, in a total of eight, dedicated to the topics under discussion.
The IV SITRE took place on May 28, 29 and 30, 2012 and added a larger number of partner institutions with the presence of the Federal University of Viçosa – UFV, the Federal University of Uberlândia – UFU and the Federal University of Itajubá – UNIFEI, all of them in Minas Gerais, and also, the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ. The IV SITRE also brought together researchers, professors and postgraduate students from other departments of the institutions involved and from other Brazilian institutions, such as PUC-Minas, UNA, Unicamp, etc. Except for the opening lecture, the event had a public limited to 250 people, since its objective is to facilitate the approach of professionals and students of the area, aiming at the theoretical deepening and the exchange of experience between the researchers, the joint activities of research and the construction of new agreements involving the entities promoting the event and the strengthening of existing ones. There was, therefore, an opening conference, 6 round tables, 12 Working Groups, 3 mini-courses and poster presentation.
OV SITRE happened on May 26, 27 and 28, 2014, in the auditorium of FAE-UFMG and other dependencies of this Institution. Just like the previous events received an important audience. More than 400 professors, researchers and undergraduate students from the country and abroad participated in the V SITRE and attended the lecture by prof. Patrus Ananias, former Minister of Social Development and Fight against Hunger (2004-2010). On the following days seven Tables and 13 Working Groups – WGs and two mini-courses, with the participation of Brazilian and foreign guests, continued the work and ensured the high level of the event. As in previous events the works presented during V SITRE were made available to the participants and to the general public in the Annals of SITRE.
The VI SITRE took place on 30/31 May and 1 st. of June of 2016, in the premises of the Fae-UFMG (Auditorium Neidson Rodrigues and rooms of the Institution). With an estimated audience 400 participants between professors / researchers and graduate students from various parts of Brazil and abroad. We hold the following activities: an Opening Conference, 6 Round Tables, 15 Working Groups and two mini-courses, with the participation of Brazilian and foreign researchers, as well as cultural activities, book launches and a cocktail party.
The organization of SITRE is the responsibility of prof. Dr. Antônio de Pádua Nunes Tomasi – CEFET-MG, leader of the research group Program of Studies in Engineering, Society and Technology – PROGEST and professor of the master’s degree in Technological Education of the same Institution, with the collaboration of the professors Dr. Daisy Moreira Cunha – UFMG, member of the Center for the Study of Education at FAE-UFMG and the Graduate Program at FAE-UFMG, Dr. José Peixoto, Professor of the Master’s Degree in Education at UEMG and Dr. Luciano Rodrigues Costa at UFV and Dr. Jean-Marie BARBIER of the CNAM / Paris, Director of Chaire UNESCO / CNAM Formation et Pratiques Professionnelles. And students of the Master’s Program in Technological Education of CEFET-MG.