Coordinators: Profa. Dra. Ana Pereira dos Santos (FIOCRUZ); Profa. Ma. Isabella Vitral Pinto (FIOCRUZ); Profa. Dra. Janete Gonçalves Evangelista (FIOCRUZ); Profa. Ma. Juliana Maria Almeida do Carmo (FIOCRUZ) Profa. Dra. Paula Dias Bevilacqua (FIOCRUZ).

Assistente de parecerista:
Kate Aparecida Rocha Lacerda (FIOCRUZ).

Summary: Discussion of the daily work of technicians and teams in the public policies of health and social assistance. The multi-determination of vulnerability and its effects on work management. The forces and tensions and its analysis from authors like René Lourau, Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari.