WG 20 –Learning environments and technologies applied to education: educational practices and teacher training for vocational and technological education

Coordinators: Prof. Dr. Ivo de Jesus Ramos (CEFET-MG); Profa. Dra. Maria Adélia da Costa (CEFET-MG)

Summary: Concepts of Learning Environments; Online Learning Environment; Classroom learning environment; Maker Culture in Vocational and Technological Education (EPT); Teachers’ Professional Practices; Teaching Practice in Teaching and Learning; Educational Practices and Technologies; Applications of artificial intelligence in educational projects; Pedagogical and educational practices in intelligent systems; Artificial intelligence projects in education; Preparation of Pedagogical Projects; Educational practices; Integrated Project of Educational Practices in school and non-school spaces; Pedagogical Practice and Teaching; Relationship theory and practice in teacher education; Innovative Teaching; Reflexive practice; Teaching Pedagogical Practice Methodology; Active Methodology in Educational Practices and Teacher Training; Innovative Practices in Education, Projects and Educational Practices in Neuroscience; Neuroscience and teacher training; Educational Practices in Teacher Training; Teaching Practice, Curriculum and Teacher Training at EPT; Teacher Education for Basic Education – High School and EFA.