WG 22 – Alternative pedagogies and social innovations

Coordinators: Prof. Dr. M. Sébasien Pesce (Université d’ Orléans/França); Profa. Dra. Lucília Machado (UFMG); Prof. Dr. Antônio de Pádua Nunes Tomasi (CEFET-MG); Prof. Dr. Hervé Breton (Université de Tours/França)

Summary: It aims to work on the conditions, the theoretical determinants, the methodological forms, as well as the effects of the alternative pedagogies, more precisely those that concern adults: pedagogies in adult education, those that are placed in the context of social, community, of local development projects. For this reason, we are particularly interested in alternative pedagogies as a resource for social innovation projects. From the point of view of the process, we want to work on the question of pedagogies mainly by supporting real pedagogical experiences, that is, in the presentation and analysis of educational experiments that were conceived and developed, or observed by the participants of the WG. Another challenge is to consider the experiences that have been developed in various cultural/geographical contexts presented by GT members, notably in South America, Europe, Canada. We also propose to carry out the analysis of these experiments using as a frame of reflection the contributions (theoretical or methodological) of great thinkers, practitioners, and pedagogical currents.